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September 16. Adolph Hitler joins the German Workers' Party (DAP).

August 8. The German National Socialist Workers' Party is formed. (NSDAP)

November 8-9. The "Beer-Hall Putsch". Hitler tries to topple the Bavarian government, but fails. He is sentenced to 5 years of imprisonment in April 1924, but only serves nine months of his sentence. During his imprisonment, he writes Mein Kampf.

November. The SS is founded in Munich as Hitler's private bodyguard.

May 20. "Reichstag"-- the election day for the German government. The Nazi party receives 2.6 percent of the votes.

September 14. Election day for the German government. In the wake of a world depression the Nazi party receives 18.3 per cent of the votes.

December. Unemployment in Germany at crisis levels: 5.6 million out of work.

Spring. July 31. Hitler loses two elections for the Germany presidency. The Nazi party has it's greatest success in the free elections. With 37.4 per cent of the votes the Nazis are now the biggest political party in Germany.

November 6. Elections to the government. The Nazis get 33.1 percent of the vote.

January 30. Adolph Hitler becomes national Chancellor. German Jews soon notice the consequences of the Nazis' anti-Semitic policies that now follows.

March 20. Dachau, the first concentration camp is erected some 16 km northwest of Munich. It's first inmates are Communists, Social Democrats and trade unionists, most of whom will later be released. The brutal practices perfected here by the commander Theodor Eicke became the model for the camps that followed.

April 1-3. Boycott of Jewish lawyers, doctors, shops and businesses.

April. Jews banned from civil service.

May 10. The Nazis instigate public bookburnings of Jewish authors and other writers opposing the Nazi regime.

July 14. The National Socialist Workers' Party (NSDAP) is the only political party allowed in Germany. Laws are passed allowing compulsory sterilization on Gypsies, handicapped and colored Germans.

September. Jews are excluded from all cultural activities.

July 3. Laws are constituted that forbids marriages between Germans and persons of foreign races and defective people of German blood.

August 2. The German President, Paul Von Hindenburg, dies.

August 19. Hitler appoints himself as Führer of the Third Reich.

October - November. Arrests of homosexuals throughout Germany.

April. Jehovah's Witnesses are excluded from civil service. Many are arrested.

May 21. Jews are excluded from military service.

September 15. The Nuremberg laws are proclaimed at a Nazi Party meeting. Jews are no longer permitted to enter a marriage with persons of German blood or have sexual relations with them. During the 30’s, over 400 laws were enacted in Germany restricting Jewish rights.

November 26. The Nuremberg laws are extended. Gypsies and colored people are no longer permitted to enter into marriage between persons of German blood.

June 17. SS Commander Heinrich Himmler becomes head chief of the German Police.

August 1-16. Hitler opens the Olympic Games in Berlin.

March 13. "Anschluss" The Third Reich annexes Austria.

April. Resolution to register all Jewish property.

July 6-15. Representatives of thirty-two nations discuss the Jewish refuge problem in Evian.

August 17. Jewish women in Nazi Germany must add the name «Sara» to their names and all Jewish men «Israel».

October 5. All Jewish passports are stamped with a big red «J» for «Jew».

October 28. Nearly 17.000 former Polish Jews are expelled from Germany to the Polish border.

November 9-10. "Kristallnacht". Pogroms, murder and comprehensive damage. Almost 30,000 Jews are interned in concentration camps.

November 5. Jewish children are no longer allowed to attend German schools. After the Kristallnacht, Sweden allows in 500 German Jewish children.

January 30. Hitler now tells the German Reichstag that a World War will mean the "extermination of the Jewish race in Europe".

February 21. Jews are to hand over jewelry and precious metals.

June 29. Over 400 Gypsy women from Austria are deported to Ravensbrück concentration camp.

September 1. World War II starts with Germany's invasion on Poland. German "Einsatzgruppen" [Special Units] shoots priests, academics and Jews. German Jews are not allowed out after 9 p.m.

September 20. Jews are no longer allowed to possess radios.

October. Deportations of Jews from Nazi Germany to the Lubin area.

November 20. Heinrich Himmler gives the order to imprison all Gypsy women fortune-tellers.

November 23. All Jews in the General Government in Poland have to wear a Star of David.


© Jörgen Lindberg


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